The Energy Production


A nutrient which is required by the body in large amounts.

They are the main sources for energy production in the body. Following are the types of Macronutrients:

  1. Carbohydrates: Is converted to Glucose
  2. Protein: Is converted to Amino acids
  3. Fat: Is converted to Fatty acids


An organic compound required in very small amounts by the body for life. Following are the types of Micronutrients:

  1. Vitamins
  2. Minerals
  3. Water


The amount of energy released when food is digested.

Calorie: A unit of heat.

  1. Fat contains nine Calories per gram
  2. Carbohydrates contain four Calories per gram
  3. Protein contains four Calories per gram, and
  4. Alcohol contains seven Calories per gram
  5. Water contains 0 Calories per gram
  6. Vitamins contains 0 Calories per gram
  7. Minerals contains 0 Calories per gram

Live a Healthy life ahead !!!

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